Here's an amazing story shared by Jan Dabroski of Westminster Colorado
Note that while this child was 2 years old, he didn't have sufficient speech to explain to his parents what had happened. Only sign language saved his life.
A few years ago, my 2 yr. old signing nephew was crying and screaming. When my sister went outside to the patio where he was playing, she discovered that his finger was bleeding and he was frantically signing SNAKE. She looked around but did not see a snake, so presumed it to be a bad cut. She then took him in the house and tried to take care of mending his wounds. In the meantime, my stepdad went out looking for a snake and sure enough, he had discovered a baby rattlesnake nearby. We called 911 immediately and my nephew was airlifted to children's hospital. While there, he had to go through six-bags of anti-venom injections. The poor thing, if he could not tell us he was bitten by a snake, he would not be with us today. Incredible how this one moment of communication through sign language had saved his little life! We were so very lucky!!
Rattlesnake season is here-- teach your toddler to sign SNAKE!